Transactional key-value store using libpmemobj - DIY

Posted July 31, 2015         « Previous post     Next post »

Our library often gets compared to NoSQL databases because it stores things on storage in unstructured manner. Which is true, but, when you think about it, the pmemobj library is not technically a database, but can be used to implement one - like the MySQL storage engine example. In this post I’ll describe an example implementation of transactional kv-store, that has two different backends, which I’ll then compare. To make things more interesting, it’s not going to be your typical kv-store, since the data structure behind it won’t be a hashmap. Instead, I’ve selected two different tree algorithms, namely b-tree and crit-bit tree.

The API design & features

For simplicity sake, the types of our key and value will be uint64_t and PMEMoid respectively. All of our functions will work inside and outside a pmemobj transaction. The user will be able to start transaction, do a bulk insert and then commit that transaction. The user will be also able to insert various types into the same collection and then leverage the built-in type information of PMEMoid using OID_INSTANCEOF macro. Also, since our entire library is implicitly persistent, the store will never lose data. And all of this comes at almost no implementation cost, since we will rely heavily on the libpmemobj.

The header file is available here. It’s pretty simple, but extending it should be fairly easy.


As I already mentioned, there will be 2 backends with different algorithms. Those data structures are general knowledge and I won’t describe them here. The implementation itself doesn’t not differ too much from what a volatile one would look like. I suspect that if one removed all the pmemobj specific stuff both trees would probably work fine as a volatile structures.

Crit-bit Tree

This is a very simple to implement data structure whose insert operation, once the destination node of the new entry is found, does exactly one store to modify the tree. There are no rotations and fancy complicated algorithms going on here. Why is this important? There’s potentially less data in the undo log of the transaction, one could even write non-transactional version of this data structure. The remove operation is similarly straightforward. However, it’s important to note that internal nodes do not hold values and there can be a lot of internal nodes when dealing with non-sparse collection of keys.

The complete implementation can be found here.


A far more popular structure, that, in contrast to the crit-bit, does store values on internal nodes, and what’s more - it stores N of them. Meaning that it will take far less allocations to store the same amount of entries. This comes at a cost of considerably more complicated algorithm and far heavier usage of transactions. And this is exactly why I’ve chosen B-Trees.

The implementation is available here.

The end result

What I’ve ended up with is a sorted map collection interface with two different implementations. The API supplements the libpmemobj and integrates with it seamlessly.

struct store_item {
	/* data */

struct my_root {
	TOID(struct tree_map) map;


/* create a new collection */
TX_BEGIN(pop) {
	tree_map_new(pop, &D_RW(root)->map);

	 * We don't want an empty collection, so let's insert
	 * a few new entries in the same transaction.
	TOID(struct store_item) n;

	n = TX_NEW(struct store_item);
	tree_map_insert(pop, D_RO(root)->map, 5, n.oid);

	n = TX_NEW(struct store_item);
	tree_map_insert(pop, D_RO(root)->map, 10, n.oid);

/* the backend is a tree, and so the collection is sorted */
tree_map_foreach(D_RO(root)->map, /* ... */);

/* all functions can be used outside of a transaction as well */
PMEMoid oid = tree_map_remove(pop, D_RO(root)->map, 5);
 /* the object type can be verified */
assert(OID_INSTANCEOF(oid, struct store_item));

tree_map_delete(pop, &D_RW(root)->map);

So a fairly standard kv-store. There’s a more complete example here.


All tests were ran on a ramdisk with ext4 + DAX filesystem. The numbers are only good for comparison between the two data structures. If you want more meaningful data run the benchmarks for yourself. Not to mention my measurements weren’t very scientific. The order of B-Tree I’ve selected is 8.

The first scenario is inserting 1 mln entries with random keys:

Structure Outer TX Time
B-Tree Yes 2.588s
B-Tree No 9.812s
Crit-bit Yes 17.707s
Crit-bit No 17.145s

So, inserting elements into B-Tree takes significantly less time - this is because it does far less allocations. But more interestingly, when inserting all of the entries in a single transaction the performance is way better for B-Tree. It does make sense, when you think about it for a while. The benchmark program allocated an entire tree and all of its elements in a single transaction. This means that there’s no reason to keep the undo log for any modifications - because an abort of such transaction means simply discarding all of the allocated objects - we didn’t modify any existing data. So why the crit-bit didn’t benefit as much? The crit-bit uses pmemobj_tx_add_range_direct that cannot verify if the PMEMoid it operates on was allocated in the same transaction, and thus always creates the (useless) undo log entries. This is one of the API functions we want to optimize later on, so anomalies like these won’t happen. Another reason why the crit-bit performs worse than B-Tree is because it creates many very tiny undo log entries (to change a single PMEMoid) which wastes a lot of memory and time on allocating. This inspired an optimization proposal to create an undo log cache which will be preallocated for each transaction and will store undo log entries whose size doesn’t exceed a yet to be determined threshold, this should cut the number of allocations performed by c-tree in half.

Next scenario is removal of 1 mln entries with random keys:

Structure Outer TX Time
B-Tree Yes 13.874s
B-Tree No 22.540s
Crit-bit Yes 27.629s
Crit-bit No 24.268s

And again we see similar pattern emerging, for pretty much the same reasons.

I still believe crit-bit is capable of outperforming B-Tree, but that would require a slightly less-readable implementation that does not allocate leaf nodes but instead treats empty internal nodes as leafs, which should bring quite substantial reduction in allocations. And also, we need to optimize the pmemobj_tx_add_range_direct function to perform similarly to the pmemobj_tx_add_range. I plan on revisiting this topic once we finish optimizing the library functions, including the allocator.

[This entry was edited on 2017-12-11 to reflect the name change from NVML to PMDK.]

Posted by @pbalcer         « Previous post     Next post »