New release of PMDK

Posted October 22, 2018         « Previous post     Next post »

We’ve been very quiet on this blog as of late, mostly because of the amount of work that we needed to put into our very ambitiously planned 1.5 release. But we’ve made it, and there’s finally time to get back to discussing the technical minutiae of our work. In this post, we will go over the major library changes that have been introduced in 1.5.

Release planning in the open

But first, I’d like to highlight a change to our release planning process. Instead of using a proprietary walled-off tool, we are slowly moving towards doing our features planning entirely in the open, directly on GitHub. It’s not all the way there yet, but the 1.5 release, and the upcoming one, are already using this new open process. When you enter one of the releases, you will see that most of the planned features have their pages where they can be discussed.

The goal of this change is to keep our users informed about future plans, but also to encourage discussion with the community about the direction we are taking. We’d like to invite everyone interested in PMDK to start directly influencing and contributing to our future work.

Since PMDK project is still relatively small, this process isn’t formalized. Think we are missing a feature in a library? Write a comment on the release planning page or create a new issue on our tracker, that’s it.

I can promise that no feature request will get unanswered, at least for now.

PMDK 1.5

This is a big release, with many quality of life enhancements, new features, and performance improvements. We’ve also introduced an entirely new consistency checking tool to complement pmemcheck.

To keep this relatively short, here I’ll briefly describe each item, and the bigger ones will get their posts explaining the details of the change.

Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS)

NVDIMMs are storage and as such have to deal with on-media errors and hardware failures. But they are also memory, which means that an application can encounter poisoned memory pages at runtime, and what’s more, those poisoned pages persist across restarts and need to be handled manually.

To account for that, we’ve worked on two main RAS features:

Unsafe (dirty) shutdown count

This is used to detect if an ADR (feature on which persistent memory programming model relies on to avoid having to flush the memory controller caches) failure has occurred while a pool is open. Based on this information, the library can determine whether the pool could have been corrupted or not.

Bad blocks support

On Linux, if an application maps a persistent memory resident file with a bad block, everything will work correctly up until the bad, poisoned, page is accessed for the first time in the current instance of the application. That first page fault will cause a SIGBUS, and the process will most likely be terminated.

To prevent this cycle from happening over and over again, PMDK will now detect if the files that the pool is composed of have any bad blocks, and if so, it will refuse to open it. This allows the user to handle the failure gracefully.

In addition to that, we implemented recovery of bad blocks from poolset replicas.

This feature is currently not implemented for Windows Server platform and disabled by default on Linux.

libndctl dependency

To support the features mentioned above, libpmemobj on Linux now depends on libndctl. NDCTL provides interfaces for configuration and introspection of the libnvdimm kernel subsystem. PMDK uses it to retrieve the information about health of the platform and NVDIMMs.

Unfortunately, at this moment retrieval of most of RAS-related information by default requires superuser privileges. This means that, for example, open of a libpmemobj pool would have to happen under sudo. To avoid that, the RAS features described here are opt-in. This will be changed to opt-out once these access restrictions are relaxed in the future kernel versions.

To enable or disable RAS features, we’ve developed a new pmempool command, pmempool feature. You can find more information about on its man page.


Almost since the beginning of this project, we planned on implementing a tool which could exhaustively check data consistency for all possible combination of stores to the NVDIMM based on runtime binary instrumentation. This would give us, and our users, confirmation that the algorithms inside of our applications are in fact correct and fail-safe atomic.

We already had two takes on this problem, with the second one being almost good enough for generic use. And so, after almost two years, we have finally decided that it’s time to revisit the topic and cleanup the old codebase so that it can be released alongside pmemcheck.

Stay tuned for a blog post about pmreorder. In the meantime, see its man page.

Parameterized persistence primitives

Right from the start, libpmem shipped with custom-made memcpy/memset implementations that made use of non-temporal stores (stores that do not go through the CPU cache) in a deterministic fashion, which we leveraged to optimize PMDK algorithms. But we’ve discovered optimization opportunities that required even more control over the behavior of these functions, and so we decided to add new variants of libpmem primitives (flush, memcpy, …) that take flags which control how the functions behave.

We found this so useful that we also exposed this functionality in libpmemobj variants of persistence primitives.

For more information, see pmemobj_memcpy_persist man page.

Removal of libpmemcto

This version of PMDK won’t include the previously experimental libpmemcto. Due to the complexity of that library, and the fact that it was based on a very heavily modified fork of jemalloc, it has become challenging to maintain. For those reasons, we’ve decided that we won’t be continuing development of libpmemcto.

We recommend using libmemkind for volatile applications and libpmem/libpmemobj for persistent ones. If you have a use case that is not suitable for either one of those solutions, please let us know.

libpmemobj changes

Since libpmemobj is our most important library, that’s where we spent most of our time. While there are only a few new features, the scope of changes is broad due to our focus on transactional performance optimizations.

Lazily-initialized volatile variables

The pmem synchronization primitives provided by libpmemobj are implemented using an internal mechanism that calls an initialization function on the first access to a variable. That mechanism could be useful for users wanting to employ custom synchronization primitives or even implement entirely custom algorithms that require volatile variables on persistent memory.

This a fairly small API addition which has a large number of potential use cases. See its man page for more details.

Custom allocation class improvements

In the previous release of libpmemobj, we’ve included a feature to create custom allocation class at runtime which can be used to optimize fragmentation and performance of the heap.

The initial implementation had some limitations. The biggest of them was the 128 byte lower boundary for allocation class size. This was problematic for workloads with smaller objects, which we observed during our Java and Python enabling efforts.

This limit has been now lifted, and the smallest allocation class possible is 1 byte, with some caveats.

Additionally, the API didn’t allow for alignment of allocated objects to be specified. This has been addressed, and allocations can now be aligned to any power-of-two value.

See appropriate CTL namespace entry point for more information.

Rewrite of redo and undo log for transaction support

For the past couple of months, we’ve been optimizing libpmemobj’s transactions algorithms so that the amount of persistent memory cache misses and flushes is minimized. The result is that both the redo and undo logs have been effectively rewritten. They now use slightly more computationally expensive algorithms but do not needlessly pollute the CPU cache, and they generate less traffic to persistent memory.

The result is much faster persistent memory transactions, which can now rival some less-optimized atomic algorithms.

We will soon post a detailed post about what specifically has changed, how we’ve come to those optimizations, and what are the benchmarking results.

New layout version and pmdk-convert

The performance optimizations I outlined above had one unfortunate consequence. We were forced to change the on-media layout of the undo and redo logs in a way that’s incompatible with the previous version of the library. This means that pools that were created using any of the previous libpmemobj versions, and had unrecovered operations in the log, are not going to be compatible with the new algorithms.

To provide users with an upgrade path, we’ve implemented a brand new pmdk-convert tool which will automatically process the logs using the correct recovery mechanism, and then will bump the major layout version to indicate that the pool can be now opened using the new library version.


For quite some time now we’ve been looking for the most idiomatic and simple solution to providing persistent C++ containers that could complement the current library.

After many experiments, we’ve decided to implement our own STL-like containers. This will be a long effort, but we think it’s going to be ultimately worth it, since we can optimize the on-media layouts and algorithms to fully exploit persistent memory potential, but also because we can add useful libpmemobj-specific semantics.

Due to this decision, we’ve moved libpmemobj-cpp to its own repository, anticipating that it’s soon going to become a much larger project.

We started the containers work easy, with pmem::obj::array that provides some convenience features for use with transactions. See our doxygen documentation for more info.

We’ve also renamed some function names that, in retrospect, were chosen poorly. Functions with old names are still there, but are deprecated. If you’ve been using libpmemobj-cpp, you should start seeing compile-time warnings about that after upgrading the library. While we won’t remove the old functions for some time, we encourage everyone to update the function calls now. See this pull request for more information.

What’s next?

With PMDK 1.5 almost behind us, ahead of us is PMDK 1.6. In the upcoming release, we want to mostly work on the quality of life improvements, minor performance optimizations that didn’t make the cut this time, and small new features.

Our focus will also be on improving documentation, which includes both tutorials about how to use our library, especially the new features, as well as an in-depth description of the algorithms that underpin PMDK.

Posted by @pbalcer         « Previous post     Next post »