Extended memcpy in PMDK 1.5

Posted January 22, 2019         « Previous post     Next post »

In PMDK 1.5 we added new APIs for bulk persistent memory modifications. In short, we did this to:

In order to understand what exactly and why we did that, let’s review the old API. In PMDK 1.4 we had these functions:

void *pmem_memmove_persist(void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len);
void *pmem_memcpy_persist (void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len);
void *pmem_memset_persist (void *pmemdest, int c, size_t len);

void *pmem_memmove_nodrain(void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len);
void *pmem_memcpy_nodrain (void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len);
void *pmem_memset_nodrain (void *pmemdest, int c, size_t len);

void *pmemobj_memcpy_persist(PMEMobjpool *pop, void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len);
void *pmemobj_memset_persist(PMEMobjpool *pop, void *pmemdest, int c, size_t len);

As you can see, there are two variants of each API - one with _persist and another one with _nodrain suffix. Both variants modify pmemdest argument just as their libc’s equivalent would, but they also make sure that the copied data are flushed. The only difference is that the _persist variants also wait for the flush to finish. As I mentioned earlier, there’s one unfortunate aspect of this naming - it doesn’t follow the scheme used by other libpmem functions, where pmem_flush flushes the data, pmem_drain waits for all flushes to finish and pmem_persist does both. In line with this scheme, _nodrain functions should have used _flush suffix.

For libpmemobj functions, there’s no way to opt-out of drains, and there’s no memmove. Functionality-wise they are wrappers around libpmem functions with additions required by libpmemobj (replication and non-pmem safety).

The bigger problem than naming is with what they do - they choose the optimal strategy to update persistent memory using only their parameters. The logic is simple - if a modification is smaller than 256 bytes (configurable using PMEM_MOVNT_THRESHOLD environment variable) they use normal mov instructions followed by pmem_flush, but for modifications of 256 bytes or more they use non-temporal (NT) stores. These instructions on x86_64 have 2 properties - they bypass CPU caches (so that pmem_flush is not needed) and treat destination memory as write-combining type. The latter property means that if the destination memory is not in the cache, the CPU doesn’t have to fetch full cache lines, only to flush them a moment later. This is important not because data is not stored in the cache, but because there’s no fetch of previous data. This means that application can update the same cache lines multiple times without waiting for them to be available for reading.

The logic based on store size is usually optimal for sequential and random workloads, but fails to choose the right method when an application constantly writes to the same cache lines over and over again (like in the case of hot meta-data). Tweaking the threshold where these functions start using NT stores is not enough, because the context in which these functions are called matters.

One important fact, which will matter in a moment, is that since PMDK 1.4 these functions guarantee that if the destination buffer is 8 byte aligned, size is a multiple of 8 and application is interrupted (by crash / OS crash / power failure), then each 8-byte location has either new or old value, never a mix of the two. This doesn’t mean there are any ordering or atomicity guarantees beyond 8 bytes though.

So knowing all of this, in PMDK 1.5 we’ve introduced these APIs:

void *pmem_memmove(void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len, unsigned flags);
void *pmem_memcpy (void *pmemdest, const void *src, size_t len, unsigned flags);
void *pmem_memset (void *pmemdest, int c, size_t len, unsigned flags);

void *pmemobj_memcpy (PMEMobjpool *pop, void *dest, const void *src, size_t len,
		      unsigned flags);
void *pmemobj_memmove(PMEMobjpool *pop, void *dest, const void *src, size_t len,
		      unsigned flags);
void *pmemobj_memset (PMEMobjpool *pop, void *dest, int c, size_t len,
		      unsigned flags);

As you can see, we removed the _persist and _nodrain suffixes and introduced a more flexible flags argument. When “flags” is 0, these functions behave like _persist variants of older APIs.

For libpmem functions we’ve introduced these flags:

PMEM_F_MEM_NODRAIN disables pmem_drain, just like _nodrain functions did.

PMEM_F_MEM_NOFLUSH disables flushing (and implies PMEM_F_MEM_NODRAIN). This flag may be useful if an application knows it will update the same region of memory multiple times, doesn’t care about possible cache eviction in between and still wants to rely on the 8-byte atomicity guarantee.

PMEM_F_MEM_NONTEMPORAL tells the library that data will not be used again soon (so it can bypass CPU cache). On x86_64 this means the usage of NT-stores.

PMEM_F_MEM_WC tells the library to treat destination memory as write-combining (so it can avoid CPU cache miss on read). On x86_64 this means the usage of NT-stores.

PMEM_F_MEM_TEMPORAL tells the library that data might be used again soon (so it should be kept in CPU cache). On x86_64 this means the usage of regular stores. On x86_64 without CLWB instruction (or motherboard without eADR) the cache will still be invalidated (unless PMEM_F_MEM_NOFLUSH was also used).

PMEM_F_MEM_WB tells the library to treat destination memory as write-back. On x86_64 this means the usage of normal stores.

Few more notes on non-temporal stores usage on x86_64:

For libpmemobj functions we introduced these flags:

First six flags behave like their libpmem equivalents.

PMEMOBJ_F_RELAXED matters only when used with remote replication. At the present time, the RDMA protocol (as used by librpmem to implement remote replication) doesn’t guarantee that in case of interruption, the transfer won’t be torn at a random place. In order to provide 8 byte atomicity guarantee mentioned earlier, pmemobj have to use a slower method of replication. This flag tells the library that the application doesn’t care about this guarantee for this operation, so it can replicate using a faster method.

If you are overwhelmed by this knowledge, sticking to old functions or setting flags argument to 0 for the new ones is a safe choice. However, if you want to squeeze as much performance as possible from your brand new NVDIMMs, it may be worth using these new APIs.

Posted by @marcinslusarz         « Previous post     Next post »